Need Premeds
Tuesday January 26, 2010 - Well I am supposed to be trying to get of the Tylenol I take before I do my injection. I have been taking Tylenol every other day since June. Well last night I thought lets give it a shot. I woke up at 2 am freezing and shivering. I was shivering so bad that I am very sore today. I had to get up and put on 4 thick layers of clothes just to stop shaking. Needless to say I will be back on the Tylenol tomorrow.
Lost Tooth
Sunday January 24, 2010 - I forgot to tell you that Dylan lost his first tooth on Friday. It has been loose since Christmas. On the way to San Antonio on Friday Dylan made a loud sound and said he pulled his tooth. So I guess he got bored on the drive and decided to mess with his tooth and pulled it right out. :)
Sunday January 24, 2010 - Life has been crazy. First, I would like to ask for prayers for my uncle. He has been in hospice since Friday. He has been a very caring and loving man. I hope that he rests as comfortably as possible.
Yesterday it was official that the sale of our house should go through. We will close on February 26th. Now we are starting to pack up the rest of the house and have some painting and cleaning to get done. We will actually be moving the big stuff and the other storage unit next weekend. We are going to sell most of our furniture so there should not be too much to move.
As far as us buying a new house we have hit many road blocks. Without going into too much detail let's just say we will not start looking at houses again until the end of February. We will not be staying at the extended stay hotel after all. We went to look at it last week and it is NASTY!!!!!!! We have some very sweet friends that we will be moving in with.
I hope you all have a good week.
Yesterday it was official that the sale of our house should go through. We will close on February 26th. Now we are starting to pack up the rest of the house and have some painting and cleaning to get done. We will actually be moving the big stuff and the other storage unit next weekend. We are going to sell most of our furniture so there should not be too much to move.
As far as us buying a new house we have hit many road blocks. Without going into too much detail let's just say we will not start looking at houses again until the end of February. We will not be staying at the extended stay hotel after all. We went to look at it last week and it is NASTY!!!!!!! We have some very sweet friends that we will be moving in with.
I hope you all have a good week.
Tuesday January 19, 2010 - Well today the people that are buying our house had the inspection done. So Emily and I had to get out of the house for three hours. We have not heard how the inspection went yet. We have found out that some of the rules on FHA loans changed as of January 1st so our financing is not working the way it did a couple of months ago. It has been very frustrating trying to figure it all out. But we have decided that we will close on our house and we will stay in an extended stay hotel for a little while and then pay off what we need to pay off from what we make on our house and then start from scratch on the financing. What a mess! But we know it will all work out in the end some how.
Other than that there is not much going on. We will start moving and packing in about a week. I am actually looking forward to staying at an extended stay for a little while. No yard, not as much mess to clean up, no phone call telling me I have to leave my house and maid service once a week. I am sure after a couple of days though we will all be on each other last nerve.
I hope you all have a great week!
Other than that there is not much going on. We will start moving and packing in about a week. I am actually looking forward to staying at an extended stay for a little while. No yard, not as much mess to clean up, no phone call telling me I have to leave my house and maid service once a week. I am sure after a couple of days though we will all be on each other last nerve.
I hope you all have a great week!
Friday January 15, 2010 - Well to all of our surprise that house is not going to happen, at least not now. The taxes in that area are more than twice what ours are. We have decided that we will close on this one and then sit tight and then start from scratch on financing and looking for a house. The foreclosure we have been looking at has ended up having lots of drama attached to it. We found out that it is not foreclosed yet. Our realtor called the owner and he does not want to sell it. He said he would like to rent it out. We are not going to get in the middle of his mess. With our luck we would rent it and then get kicked out because he is not paying the bank. Also, he does not even have a key to the house. We are still hoping that he will decide to short sell it or it will become a true foreclosure. We will see. Whatever is meant to happen will happen. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
House Stuff

Thursday January 14, 2010 - I hope everyone is doing well. We are waiting on getting the final copy of the contract on the sale of our house. We will close on our house at the end of February. We did go an look at 4 houses last night. 3 of them were in a different school district than we are in now and one is in the neighborhood where Dylan is at school right now. It is a house that I have had an eye on for a month or so but we thought it would not be an option. It is a two story which at first was not on option and then we decided that we would look at two stories if the master was down and this one the master is up. But I LOVE the kitchen so we decided to go ahead and look at it. WE LOVE IT!!!!!!!! It is a short sale but is in great shape. Construction was completed in December of 2007. We could just move in an not have anything to do. It has a HUGE backyard, it is in a cul-de sac and has golf course views. We are making an offer today and hope the bank will take it. Cross your fingers that this one does not slip away. I have attached a picture of the kitchen. That is the reason we went to look at the house in the first place. :) I will keep you posted.
We Have An Offer
Monday January 11, 2009 - Well I woke up this morning after only sleeping a few hours feeling very energetic and giddy, like something good was going to happen today. Well we had a couple come through today to look at our house for the third time and they made an offer. We are of course going to counter and see what happens. So now we get to do this negotiation thing all over again just from our end. We are excited that we have an offer but just hoping we can agree on the terms.
We still don't know where we are going to move to. We are still looking but not really wanting to make a move on anything. We are both still waiting on the foreclosure to go on the market. Hopefully we can get a solid contract on ours by the end of the week and be ready for what ever comes on the market.
I will keep you posted. Have a great week!
We still don't know where we are going to move to. We are still looking but not really wanting to make a move on anything. We are both still waiting on the foreclosure to go on the market. Hopefully we can get a solid contract on ours by the end of the week and be ready for what ever comes on the market.
I will keep you posted. Have a great week!
MS Walk San Antonio
Friday January 8, 2010 - Happy Friday to everyone. I wanted to let everyone know that I have put a team together for the San Antonio MS walk on March 6th at the AT&T Center. If you would like to join my team and come out and walk or run you can go to
You can also go to my team page and make a donation as well. If you have any questions about registering please let me know. I would love to have a good turn out and maybe have a team shirt made.
I hope you all have a great weekend. We will be busy with preparing for an open house and birthday party. :)
You can also go to my team page and make a donation as well. If you have any questions about registering please let me know. I would love to have a good turn out and maybe have a team shirt made.
I hope you all have a great weekend. We will be busy with preparing for an open house and birthday party. :)
Thursday January 7, 2010 - Today was my three month follow up with the neurologist. He asked me how I was doing compared to three months ago and he was happy to hear that my energy level and mood have improved. We went over the letter he received from my ophthalmologist back in November. He was not exactly pleased that I have not regained all of my vision but he did say that in a good way it will be a constant reminder that even though I may feel fine I still need to be on medication for MS. I told him about my tingling in my arms and legs and of course he was not surprised. He did ask me if I was having spasms in my legs and I told him yes and mostly in my arms. He was not surprised because my reflexes are so exaggerated.
He sent me for blood work to make sure my liver and blood counts are still good and he did go ahead and order a vitamin D test. We will see how all of that comes back. We talked about my next MRI. I will go in June for my MRI and then have my next appointment with him in July. I did ask if I could have an open MRI and he said that would be fine. Luckily, I will only have an MRI of the brain done this time. We know that I have a lesion in my spine and he said if I had any more activity there we would know because typically a lesion in the spine will be something that I will notice. (Not be able to walk for example) I may have activity in my brain and not notice anything. He did say that this next MRI is very important. Studies have shown that within six months of starting medication if a person has a clear MRI then their prognosis for the future is better than if there is even one lesion. Keep your fingers crossed that in June we will get good news.
I guess that is all I have for now. I hope everyone is staying warm. Our low for this evening is around 15 with a wind chill of 8. It will be a good night to stay inside.
He sent me for blood work to make sure my liver and blood counts are still good and he did go ahead and order a vitamin D test. We will see how all of that comes back. We talked about my next MRI. I will go in June for my MRI and then have my next appointment with him in July. I did ask if I could have an open MRI and he said that would be fine. Luckily, I will only have an MRI of the brain done this time. We know that I have a lesion in my spine and he said if I had any more activity there we would know because typically a lesion in the spine will be something that I will notice. (Not be able to walk for example) I may have activity in my brain and not notice anything. He did say that this next MRI is very important. Studies have shown that within six months of starting medication if a person has a clear MRI then their prognosis for the future is better than if there is even one lesion. Keep your fingers crossed that in June we will get good news.
I guess that is all I have for now. I hope everyone is staying warm. Our low for this evening is around 15 with a wind chill of 8. It will be a good night to stay inside.
Back To The Grind
Tuesday January 5, 2010 - We are back to the normal routine now with school and work. I am so glad the kids are back in school. I love my kids but there has been too much togetherness. It also does not help that every time we get kicked out of the house because of a showing we sit in the car and get on each others nerves. Dylan and I were in the car most of the day yesterday and then picked Emily up from school and then the three of us, the dog and the cat as well were in the car until around 5 when we picked Jerry up. I am soooooooo ready to sell our house.
Happy New Year!
Friday January 1, 2010 - I hope everyone has a great 2010! I am being very optimistic about this coming year. I think we will have a lot of great changes in our lives.
We started off our new year packing up stuff to take to storage. I think we are finished with storage runs until we have a contract on our house. I am hoping with all the major holidays behind us now we will hear something soon. We did have two people come by this week and one came back twice. So we have still had some traffic when I thought we would have none.
Tomorrow is Emily's 4th birthday. :( I can't believe my baby is going to be 4. Kids grow up so fast. Before we know it they will be out of the house. We are going to take Emily to lunch tomorrow and she will have a party next weekend. She is so excited. We are also going to San Antonio to see the Lion King, a Christmas gift from Grandmama and Pa. Dylan, Grandmama and I went to see it for Dylan's 3rd birthday and loved it. I am curious to see what Emily thinks about it.
I just realized a couple of days ago that my 3 month follow up with my neurologist is on Thursday. I think it will be uneventful. I am hoping he does not want to do an MRI yet. For one I am really dreading having it done and also now that it is the new year I don't want to have to pay for it. The last two MRI's I had they billed $11,000! At the same time though I am anxious to have one done so I can see if I have any new lesions. I am really hoping this medication is working well enough to stay on it.
The last several months my mood has been better and I have not been as tired. I still have pain and tingling from time to time in my arms and legs. Most of the time I can ignore it unless I am trying to sleep. My vision has not improved anymore. I just deal with it. It is my constant reminder of this lovely disease along with the injections I have to do every other day. My injections are still going well. I still have skin reactions and some hurt more than others. I don't like doing them but I do it and have not missed one yet. :)
Well I just thought I would give you all an update. I hope you all have a great weekend.
We started off our new year packing up stuff to take to storage. I think we are finished with storage runs until we have a contract on our house. I am hoping with all the major holidays behind us now we will hear something soon. We did have two people come by this week and one came back twice. So we have still had some traffic when I thought we would have none.
Tomorrow is Emily's 4th birthday. :( I can't believe my baby is going to be 4. Kids grow up so fast. Before we know it they will be out of the house. We are going to take Emily to lunch tomorrow and she will have a party next weekend. She is so excited. We are also going to San Antonio to see the Lion King, a Christmas gift from Grandmama and Pa. Dylan, Grandmama and I went to see it for Dylan's 3rd birthday and loved it. I am curious to see what Emily thinks about it.
I just realized a couple of days ago that my 3 month follow up with my neurologist is on Thursday. I think it will be uneventful. I am hoping he does not want to do an MRI yet. For one I am really dreading having it done and also now that it is the new year I don't want to have to pay for it. The last two MRI's I had they billed $11,000! At the same time though I am anxious to have one done so I can see if I have any new lesions. I am really hoping this medication is working well enough to stay on it.
The last several months my mood has been better and I have not been as tired. I still have pain and tingling from time to time in my arms and legs. Most of the time I can ignore it unless I am trying to sleep. My vision has not improved anymore. I just deal with it. It is my constant reminder of this lovely disease along with the injections I have to do every other day. My injections are still going well. I still have skin reactions and some hurt more than others. I don't like doing them but I do it and have not missed one yet. :)
Well I just thought I would give you all an update. I hope you all have a great weekend.
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