Insurance and stuff

Sunday August 9, 2009 - I hope everyone has had a great weekend. We had Dylan's soccer game yesterday and then we had to take Jerry to work. While we were sitting in the car talking before he had to go; the car all of the sudden lunged forward. A lady pulled in behind us and hit the back of my car. Ugh! She thought it was so funny. Dylan said we should call the police and have her put in jail. Luckily she didn't do any damage but sometime in the last week someone hit my bumper another time and did do damage. So irritating. Other than that yesterday was a fairly lazy day. I didn't feel like doing much of anything. I spent half of today in bed and did finally get up and start doing some cleaning that is way overdue.

I have been up a lot at night with stuff on my mind. Lately it has been about insurance. We just paid a lot of money for medical bills in the last month and a half and have met our deductible. So we thought we would not have anymore out of pocket this year. WRONG! Our insurance will be changing September 1st. This is a new company and after you have met your deductible you still have to pay 20%. There is a cap on out of pocket but it is $12,000 plus the monthly premiums. WOW! How in the world are we going to afford that? With my medication, MRI's, lab work and doctor's visits we will end up spending lots of money.

I was also reading a story about bankruptcy that I thought was interesting and scary. A very large percentage of people that file for bankruptcy file because of medical bills and around 70% of those people have health insurance. Not Good!

So here we are with a bad economy, an already tight budget and more medical bills. Seems to be the norm right now everywhere. I will be so glad when things pick up. Well, I will stop venting now; just had to get that off my chest and maybe I will be able to sleep tonight. I hope everyone has a great week!


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