I Need A Vacation

Friday July 2, 2010 – Things are not really that bad but I would like to have an uneventful week.

I got a call from my neurologist’s office yesterday and they said my MRI was good. I am not sure what exactly that means. I will find out for sure on Thursday. Dylan was sent home from camp yesterday with pink eye. I had to take him to the Dr. and get him meds. This is the first time any of us have had pink eye. Apparently pink eye and ear issues are going around. The pharmacists that I LOVE at our HEB said that she had filled nothing but ear and eye drops all day. Thankfully we have met our medication deductable so I did not have to pay the $70 for a very small bottle of drops. I don’t like to talk $ figures on here but it just blows me away at how much $$$$$$$$$ we have had to pay this year so far in medical bills. I did call insurance the other day to see how much more we have to shell out this year. We are close to meeting the out of pocket for the family and it is a LOT of money. OUCH! Not to mention the monthly premiums. Okay enough of me ranting.

I also called car insurance to find out what was going on with that. So since they decided that the other lady’s story did not add up but they felt that they could not say it was her fault it is a wash. It is if I never filed a claim. We both have to pay for our own damages out of our pockets. That is better than the claim being on my policy but not the outcome I had hoped for. So now we have to figure out what it will cost to fix my car and figure out how to pay for it along with the medical bills from Dylan’s surgery, my ER visit and my MRI. UGH!!!!! I really need to find a job.

I am hoping since it is raining and will be tomorrow also that I can get some painting done. I think I am going to start on our study/library. I will be so happy when all the walls are painted. I am so tired of looking at walls that are painted colors I didn’t pick and can’t stand. It would be one thing if they were a neutral color but no they had to be orange, pink, dark blue and several colors in between.

Now that I feel like I have been nothing but a downer I will get back to moving boxes so I can paint. Have a great weekend.


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