Tuesday August 10, 2010 - So my cell phone does not take great pictures, but here it is. I took this right after we left the store. It is so funny how Dylan's behavior has changed since Saturday. He has been very polite and respectful. He says he feels smarter. Weird how glasses can change his personality. We will see how long that lasts.
This heat is killing me. I have been so tired the last two days I can hardly get out of bed. Dylan and I had to have another talk today because he asked me why I have been sleeping so much lately. I also used my Wii Fit the other day and got a good workout that I am not used to so I am sure that had an impact.
I am trying to get everyone on a normal school routine. So far it is not working very well. I am trying to get the kids in bed by 8 and up at 6. We have gotten them to bed around 8 a couple of times but 6 am has not happened yet. Hopefully, in two weeks it will not be an issue.
He is too cute!!