Tuesday June 23, 2009 - I went to see the ophthalmologist today about the pain behind my left eye. After several tests he could not determine what is causing the pain. My optic nerve is not inflamed. But when I had optic neuritis in my right eye that optic nerve was not inflamed either. He did go ahead and do the visual field test in both eyes and I do, in fact, have some blind spots in my right eye. Also, the vision in my right eye has gotten worse since last week. He said he sees people with optic neuritis have fluctuations in their vision.
After seeing the ophthalmologist I went to the neurologist to see the nurse. She was prepared to start IV steroids today but since we don't have an optic neuritis diagnosis there is no reason for steroids at this point. I was given the option to do another MRI or wait and see what happens with my left eye. I chose to wait and see. I am not in the mood for another MRI right now. So she gave me pain meds to help me sleep at night.
While I was with the nurse I asked her several questions about symptoms I have been having. One is tingling in my left arm and she told me that it may be caused by the small disc bulge I have in my spine that I did not know about. Also, I have been dizzy and very tired. Basically she said I have to stay out of the heat because heat makes all my nerves that have been affected by the disease short circuit. I also asked her to clarify the diagnosis of CIS/MS since my spinal scan showed disease. Her answer is basically the way I have been looking at the situation. I have MS but because of timing they can't clinically say that. She said that was crap. They should be able to just say it is MS. But she said everything I am going through and all symptoms are probably MS. So I have MS but my file says CIS. Confused?;)
I also went in to have baseline blood work today. Of course my veins did not cooperate, so I got stuck twice by two different people. Story of my life. I will start my injections on Friday and will go back to see the neurologist two weeks after that for blood work and to make sure I am doing ok on the medication.
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