Still Waiting. Really?!?!

Thursday June 18, 2009 - I thought I had my medication on the way last Thursday, boy was I wrong. The company that makes the medication I will be on has a division that works with insurance and gets everything taken care of.(BetaPlus) BetaPlus called me last Thursday and got all my information for insurance and called me back and told me that insurance had approved everything and that insurance would call me early this week to finalize everything. Well I didn't hear from insurance on Monday or Tuesday so I was going to call them on Wednesday to figure out what the hold up was. Before I had a chance to call insurance my Beta nurse, yes I have my very own nurse that I can call anytime day or night, called and asked me if I had received my training kit and I told her yes and then she asked if I had my medication and I said no. She seemed a little surprised and told me to call Aetna pharmacy. I will be getting my medication shipped to me from Aetna pharmacy. So I called the pharmacy and they told me they had no information or prescription for me. WHAT? It has been a week! So I called Beta back and they called insurance back and got everything resolved, so I thought. I called insurance today to make sure everything was a go and once again they told me they had no information on me. By this point I am getting very irritated. So the guy at Aetna pharmacy asked me for my doctor's phone number and Beta's number. He put me on hold for awhile and came back and said that Beta was verbally giving the pharmacist my prescription and that someone from Aetna would call back in 2-4 hours to get more information from me and then I would hear from them again in 24-48 to confirm shipment. An hour later, Aetna called me to get the info they needed and told me the same about getting a call in 24 -48 hours. So we will see. Third time is the charm right?


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