Friday December 10, 2010 - Dylan was finally able to go back to school today. His fever finally broke yesterday. I guess we will be doing lots of school work this weekend. I am glad I don't have anything else to do this weekend. ;) (Ha don't I wish) I hope everyone has a great weekend and tries to enjoy the season.
6 Days and Counting
Wednesday December 8, 2010 - Dylan has been running a fever since Friday. It had been 103 until today and it dropped to 101. We have been to urgent care and the pediatrician. We have been told to wait a little longer both times. He does not really have any other symptoms beside the fever. If his fever does not break tomorrow we will be going back to the doctor on Friday for blood work. Dylan is going to have a ton of school work to make up after this week. Tomorrow will be the 4th day he will miss.
Everyone say a little prayer and keep your fingers crossed that his fever finally breaks tomorrow.
Everyone say a little prayer and keep your fingers crossed that his fever finally breaks tomorrow.
Wednesday December 1, 2010 - I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. The kids are glad Thanksgiving is over so they can focus on Christmas.
Well, I went in for my annual eye exam and was due for the picture of my optic nerves. The good news is my vision has not changed in either eye. I can't remember the last time that happened from one year to the next. The bad news, or maybe not bad news, but news none the less is that there is a spot now on my left optic nerve. From my ophthalmologist's standpoint it means nothing but from my neurologist's it may. I am also now being watched carefully in my left eye for glaucoma. I am really young to develop glaucoma but my eye and optic nerve looks very suspicious. So for now we do nothing. I will see my neurologist next month and will go back for an exam with my opthamologist in March.
For now I can't worry about it. It is what it is and we deal with what is handed to us.
I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and stays warm.
Well, I went in for my annual eye exam and was due for the picture of my optic nerves. The good news is my vision has not changed in either eye. I can't remember the last time that happened from one year to the next. The bad news, or maybe not bad news, but news none the less is that there is a spot now on my left optic nerve. From my ophthalmologist's standpoint it means nothing but from my neurologist's it may. I am also now being watched carefully in my left eye for glaucoma. I am really young to develop glaucoma but my eye and optic nerve looks very suspicious. So for now we do nothing. I will see my neurologist next month and will go back for an exam with my opthamologist in March.
For now I can't worry about it. It is what it is and we deal with what is handed to us.
I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and stays warm.
Less Teeth More Earrings
Monday November 15, 2010 - Dylan finally lost another tooth, but this time another kid at school knocked it out. It was not ready to come out yet, but it already has the new tooth behind it and the one he pulled a while back still has no new tooth. Maybe by the time he is in high school he will have lost all of his teeth. ;)

Emily finally decided that yesterday was the day to get her ears pierced. She has been talking about it for months and said she wanted to do it yesterday. She was a little scared after she watched a girl before her get her ears pierced but Emily did great. She said "I look so pretty". She had to show the dog and cat her earrings also.

I hope everyone has a great week.
Emily finally decided that yesterday was the day to get her ears pierced. She has been talking about it for months and said she wanted to do it yesterday. She was a little scared after she watched a girl before her get her ears pierced but Emily did great. She said "I look so pretty". She had to show the dog and cat her earrings also.
I hope everyone has a great week.
Thursday November 11, 2010 - Yeah, it is not an even numbered day!!!! Even numbered days are the days I try to remember to take my medication. It has gotten to the point where I HATE taking my injections. For some reason they have been getting more and more painful. Last nights was one of the worst.
I have to say that I do feel very thankful that my MS is stable. After going to the MS walk, the meeting we went to a couple of weeks ago and talking with one of the moms at Emily's school today, I am very fortunate. This mom has a sister about my age that was diagnosed when she was 16 and spends most of her time in a wheelchair. I see so many people with MS that have major disabilities it makes me feel so sad for them and at the same time scared for myself and what my future holds. You have to sit back and realize you have to live your life one day at a time and there are no guarantees for tomorrow.
On a happier note...... I got a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited to have this opportunity. I will be working at Emily's preschool a couple of days a week. I have worked up there the last three weeks and love it. It is so nice to be out of the house and be around other adults. Emily is enjoying me being at her school all day as well. She always asks me if she will see me in the hall. :)
Well I guess that is all my ramblings for now. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. Only two weeks until Thanksgiving.
I have to say that I do feel very thankful that my MS is stable. After going to the MS walk, the meeting we went to a couple of weeks ago and talking with one of the moms at Emily's school today, I am very fortunate. This mom has a sister about my age that was diagnosed when she was 16 and spends most of her time in a wheelchair. I see so many people with MS that have major disabilities it makes me feel so sad for them and at the same time scared for myself and what my future holds. You have to sit back and realize you have to live your life one day at a time and there are no guarantees for tomorrow.
On a happier note...... I got a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited to have this opportunity. I will be working at Emily's preschool a couple of days a week. I have worked up there the last three weeks and love it. It is so nice to be out of the house and be around other adults. Emily is enjoying me being at her school all day as well. She always asks me if she will see me in the hall. :)
Well I guess that is all my ramblings for now. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. Only two weeks until Thanksgiving.
Austin MS Walk
Thursday October 28, 2010 - Sunday was the Austin MS walk. Thank you to my parents and mother-in-law for coming and walking with us.

You can still donate until November 24th. Just visit the link.
No amount is too small. The money that is raised helps with research and also helps provide people that need assistance with equipment and other necessities.
Jerry and I went to a dinner on Tuesday evening where my neurologist was speaking. We learned some new things about research and about medications. Some things were good and some where not so good. The one thing that I am fearing right now is the cost of medication. I have been on a program with no copay for my medication because my insurance will not cover it but I am not sure how much longer that will last. All MS medication is very expensive. My medication costs about $35,000 a year and the new oral drug that came out is $50,000 a year. We are not sure what will happen when insurance and drug companies decide not to help pay for these anymore. I am not sure about you but I can't afford $35,000 a year for one medication on top of all the other medical expenses.
I hope everyone is enjoying some fall weather. Have a great weekend!
Happy Friday
Friday October 22, 2010 - I hope everyone has been doing well. We have been busy here with school, work and fall activities. We went to a pumpkin patch at the beginning of the month and the weather was perfect. We all had a good time.
I have been feeling good most days. I am still tired and some days just have to take a two or three hour nap to make it through the day. I have started medication for my panic attacks and they have stopped. Thank God!!!! Some days I was having two or three attacks a day and I have not had one in weeks. It feels great to not have that feeling.
The Austin MS walk is this Sunday and the kids are looking forward to the food. ;) Leave it to the kids to only care about food.
Dylan and I talk about MS occasionally and it is so hard to explain to him what it means to have MS and what it really is. We have been talking about it for over a year and the idea of having something that does not go away and that you can't give to someone else by coughing on them is so hard for him to understand. It is also very frustrating for the kids for me to have to rest all the time. They always complain that I am always tired. I feel so bad that I don't have the energy to do as much as I would like and that they have to suffer because of that.
Okay, I guess enough rambling. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Eat At Chili's
Friday September 24, 2010 - Monday is Eat at Chili's Day!!!! 100% of Chili's profits will go to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. As many of you know my nephew Austin lost his life at the age of two to cancer. The money raised will help fund research to hopefully some day find a cure for childhood cancers.
Tuesday September 21, 2010 - That is the one word to describe how I have been feeling. No matter how much sleep I get I am still just dragging. Some days I get all the kids off to school and then come home to take a three hour nap and then go to bed at night just fine to just start the routine over again the next day.
It has made it very hard to get anything done at home. I can't finish cleaning or laundry. It just sits there and piles up. I started to clean the house this weekend and got one room done and then laid down at 4:30 and fell asleep for about an hour. You would think I would have not been able to go to sleep a few hours later but I had no problem.
I have medication that my neurologist gave me for days when my fatigue is debilitating but I am afraid to take it right now for fear of triggering a panic attack. I will go to my general doctor on Thursday to figure out what to do about my attacks and hopefully once that is resolved I can think about taking the other meds. I HATE taking medication but I also HATE not being able to function every day.
I hope everyone is doing well. Cross your fingers for cooler weather.
It has made it very hard to get anything done at home. I can't finish cleaning or laundry. It just sits there and piles up. I started to clean the house this weekend and got one room done and then laid down at 4:30 and fell asleep for about an hour. You would think I would have not been able to go to sleep a few hours later but I had no problem.
I have medication that my neurologist gave me for days when my fatigue is debilitating but I am afraid to take it right now for fear of triggering a panic attack. I will go to my general doctor on Thursday to figure out what to do about my attacks and hopefully once that is resolved I can think about taking the other meds. I HATE taking medication but I also HATE not being able to function every day.
I hope everyone is doing well. Cross your fingers for cooler weather.
Austin MS Walk
Wednesday September 15, 2010 - It is that time of year again. The Austin MS walk is next month. I would love to have everyone come out and walk with me. Without these types of fundraisers there would not be funds to help people living with MS and help fund research projects.
When: Sunday October 24, 2010 @ 9 a.m.
Where: Dell Diamond in Round Rock
You can go to my fundraising page
When: Sunday October 24, 2010 @ 9 a.m.
Where: Dell Diamond in Round Rock
You can go to my fundraising page
Where to Begin
Thursday September 9, 2010 - It has been a crazy few weeks! First, is a picture of Dylan on the first day of school at our brand new school. We don't have to drive over the highway or through three neighborhoods to get to school anymore!!!!!!!

Dylan likes his school but has been having a very hard time adjusting to his fourth school in four years. I think the fact that it is a brand new school and everyone is trying to figure out the routine and rules is very frustrating for him. Thankfully, he will be at this school for four years. I think it will get much easier for everyone as time goes on.
I have had good days and bad days as far as my fatigue goes. I may spend a day or two in bed and then have a few good days and then be in bed again. I am having a lot of spasms. I have always had spasms, but they are much more frequent now. I actually had one in my leg the other night and I could not straighten my leg for several minutes. I am hoping cooler weather will be here soon.
Our dog was in the pet hospital for a few days last weekend and nearly died. Thankfully, he is back to his normal self. He needs to learn not to eat everything in sight.
Dylan likes his school but has been having a very hard time adjusting to his fourth school in four years. I think the fact that it is a brand new school and everyone is trying to figure out the routine and rules is very frustrating for him. Thankfully, he will be at this school for four years. I think it will get much easier for everyone as time goes on.
I have had good days and bad days as far as my fatigue goes. I may spend a day or two in bed and then have a few good days and then be in bed again. I am having a lot of spasms. I have always had spasms, but they are much more frequent now. I actually had one in my leg the other night and I could not straighten my leg for several minutes. I am hoping cooler weather will be here soon.
Our dog was in the pet hospital for a few days last weekend and nearly died. Thankfully, he is back to his normal self. He needs to learn not to eat everything in sight.
Emily has started school and likes it but then changes her mind everyday about going. She would just rather stay at home with me. I am not sure why. I think she has a lot more fun at school than with me.
Jerry is still working two jobs, so we don't have a lot of family time or time for anything else. We are hoping that will change sooner than later.
I am just waiting for life to slow down but I guess it never really does. I hope everyone is doing well.
Sunday August 22, 2010 - We have been busy with school stuff. Dylan's teacher came to our house early last week and then we had supply drop off on Friday. Friday we went to get school shoes and that was a bad idea. We went to Target late morning and it was worse than any weekend day I have seen. There were people everywhere. Then I had to get more school supplies for Dylan that was unexpected so I went to get that stuff yesterday. Thankfully, it was not as bad at the grocery store. I guess by that point everyone was shopping for school clothes. I think we are all ready for school now. Dylan is excited and I am ready for the routine. Emily does not start for another two weeks and I am not sure she will be ready. She is never ready for school to start.
I have been trying to get the house and all my paperwork in order so I can start my in home childcare again. I have tried to get a job at Dylan's school and the preschool with no luck. I think part of the issue is that there are still so many people looking for jobs. So for this school year I will be providing childcare and then may go back to school in the spring and then reasses the situation next year.
I hope everyone is doing well and staying cool.
I have been trying to get the house and all my paperwork in order so I can start my in home childcare again. I have tried to get a job at Dylan's school and the preschool with no luck. I think part of the issue is that there are still so many people looking for jobs. So for this school year I will be providing childcare and then may go back to school in the spring and then reasses the situation next year.
I hope everyone is doing well and staying cool.
Snow pictures
Monday August 16, 2010 - I hope everyone is doing well. Jerry and I had a quiet weekend without the kids. It was nice but I think we are ready for the kids to be back home.
I will finally start posting some of the pictures from the last several months that I was not able to.
Here are some pictures from February. These were taken the week we moved out of our house. It snowed all day long. The kids had fun until their hands started to get cold. I had already packed gloves and warmer clothes. Texas weather is so weird.

I will finally start posting some of the pictures from the last several months that I was not able to.
Here are some pictures from February. These were taken the week we moved out of our house. It snowed all day long. The kids had fun until their hands started to get cold. I had already packed gloves and warmer clothes. Texas weather is so weird.


Tuesday August 10, 2010 - So my cell phone does not take great pictures, but here it is. I took this right after we left the store. It is so funny how Dylan's behavior has changed since Saturday. He has been very polite and respectful. He says he feels smarter. Weird how glasses can change his personality. We will see how long that lasts.
This heat is killing me. I have been so tired the last two days I can hardly get out of bed. Dylan and I had to have another talk today because he asked me why I have been sleeping so much lately. I also used my Wii Fit the other day and got a good workout that I am not used to so I am sure that had an impact.
I am trying to get everyone on a normal school routine. So far it is not working very well. I am trying to get the kids in bed by 8 and up at 6. We have gotten them to bed around 8 a couple of times but 6 am has not happened yet. Hopefully, in two weeks it will not be an issue.
Internet Finally!!!!!!
Monday August 9, 2010 - We finally have our internet hooked up so hopefully I can get my blog updated and upload some photos from the last six months.
I have been feeling okay. I went to the doctor and he thinks I am having anxiety attacks. We are running some blood tests and trying some temporary meds. I will go back to see him on Thursday to see what we will do long term. I have not felt comfortable driving very far because it seems like every time I get behind the wheel I start with another attack. I guess I am just crazy.
Well, we took Dylan in for his annual eye exam and he now needs glasses. I have never seen a child so excited to wear glasses. I will post a picture soon. Now Emily is wanting hers. I am sure she will not be far behind. Poor kids are getting bad genes I guess.
I guess that is all for now. I will post some pictures tomorrow and start posting some pictures that I have wanted to post since February.
I have been feeling okay. I went to the doctor and he thinks I am having anxiety attacks. We are running some blood tests and trying some temporary meds. I will go back to see him on Thursday to see what we will do long term. I have not felt comfortable driving very far because it seems like every time I get behind the wheel I start with another attack. I guess I am just crazy.
Well, we took Dylan in for his annual eye exam and he now needs glasses. I have never seen a child so excited to wear glasses. I will post a picture soon. Now Emily is wanting hers. I am sure she will not be far behind. Poor kids are getting bad genes I guess.
I guess that is all for now. I will post some pictures tomorrow and start posting some pictures that I have wanted to post since February.
Wednesday July 28, 2010 – It has been a crazy week that only seems to be getting crazier. I have been really tired and not sleeping and starting to have more spasms and weakness in my left arm and leg. My mood has not been great either. Last night I decided to finally take a sleeping pill. Shortly after taking it I had a wave of heat take over my entire body and then my heart started racing and I was having trouble breathing. It was just like the episode back in April when I ended up in the ER. I tried really hard to calm myself. I was able to keep it under control enough to not have to go to the ER but I am still not feeling very well. I will go see the doctor tomorrow to figure out what the heck is going on. I will keep you posted.
Saturday July 17, 2010 - Well, my white blood count and liver are normal. So my body is tolerating my meds. Thank Goodness. The last thing I want to do is have to change my medication right now.
We have been doing well. We are enjoying the summer and not getting much accomplished on the house but we really want to get it done because we are so close. The kids have been spending a lot of time outside with the other kids on our street and they are having the summer of their lives. Jerry and I are enjoying it as well. Once school starts I think we are all going to have a rude awakening. We have been so out of our routine.
The next month I think is going to be very busy. I am organizing a block party, we have many school functions coming up with the opening of our brand new school and then just the craziness of getting ready for school to start. With all of that I really need to start looking for a job. I am thinking about doing in home child care again but not sure I would find anyone willing to drop their child off at my house in the condition it is in right now. I have thought about retail but one I am not sure I would find someone willing to let me work the hours I can work and I also really want to work with kids again.
Well, I guess that is enough babbling for now. I hope you are all staying cool.
We have been doing well. We are enjoying the summer and not getting much accomplished on the house but we really want to get it done because we are so close. The kids have been spending a lot of time outside with the other kids on our street and they are having the summer of their lives. Jerry and I are enjoying it as well. Once school starts I think we are all going to have a rude awakening. We have been so out of our routine.
The next month I think is going to be very busy. I am organizing a block party, we have many school functions coming up with the opening of our brand new school and then just the craziness of getting ready for school to start. With all of that I really need to start looking for a job. I am thinking about doing in home child care again but not sure I would find anyone willing to drop their child off at my house in the condition it is in right now. I have thought about retail but one I am not sure I would find someone willing to let me work the hours I can work and I also really want to work with kids again.
Well, I guess that is enough babbling for now. I hope you are all staying cool.
Very Good
Thursday July 8, 2010 - That is what my neurologist said today. He was very happy with my MRI. I have no new lesions, no black holes and my existing lesions have not grown. This means that my MS is stable. I will continue on my medication and hope that it will be a very long time before another exacerbation.
The first oral medication will be out in September for disease modification, but I will not be one of the patients that take the oral. For one, my medication is working, so we will not change and also the new drugs have a very long list of side effects.
My Dr. also asked me how the open MRI went and I told him that I was still Closter phobic and if the test had been any longer I would have lost it. He did mention that I can start taking something before my MRI’s to relax.
I did have to get blood work done today. There is one lady there that I have had before that is able to get a needle in my vein on the first try. I was really hoping I would get her and I did. So I only got stuck once with a small needle today. Yeah!!!!!
Well I hope everyone is doing well. Enjoy your weekend.
The first oral medication will be out in September for disease modification, but I will not be one of the patients that take the oral. For one, my medication is working, so we will not change and also the new drugs have a very long list of side effects.
My Dr. also asked me how the open MRI went and I told him that I was still Closter phobic and if the test had been any longer I would have lost it. He did mention that I can start taking something before my MRI’s to relax.
I did have to get blood work done today. There is one lady there that I have had before that is able to get a needle in my vein on the first try. I was really hoping I would get her and I did. So I only got stuck once with a small needle today. Yeah!!!!!
Well I hope everyone is doing well. Enjoy your weekend.
I Need A Vacation
Friday July 2, 2010 – Things are not really that bad but I would like to have an uneventful week.
I got a call from my neurologist’s office yesterday and they said my MRI was good. I am not sure what exactly that means. I will find out for sure on Thursday. Dylan was sent home from camp yesterday with pink eye. I had to take him to the Dr. and get him meds. This is the first time any of us have had pink eye. Apparently pink eye and ear issues are going around. The pharmacists that I LOVE at our HEB said that she had filled nothing but ear and eye drops all day. Thankfully we have met our medication deductable so I did not have to pay the $70 for a very small bottle of drops. I don’t like to talk $ figures on here but it just blows me away at how much $$$$$$$$$ we have had to pay this year so far in medical bills. I did call insurance the other day to see how much more we have to shell out this year. We are close to meeting the out of pocket for the family and it is a LOT of money. OUCH! Not to mention the monthly premiums. Okay enough of me ranting.
I also called car insurance to find out what was going on with that. So since they decided that the other lady’s story did not add up but they felt that they could not say it was her fault it is a wash. It is if I never filed a claim. We both have to pay for our own damages out of our pockets. That is better than the claim being on my policy but not the outcome I had hoped for. So now we have to figure out what it will cost to fix my car and figure out how to pay for it along with the medical bills from Dylan’s surgery, my ER visit and my MRI. UGH!!!!! I really need to find a job.
I am hoping since it is raining and will be tomorrow also that I can get some painting done. I think I am going to start on our study/library. I will be so happy when all the walls are painted. I am so tired of looking at walls that are painted colors I didn’t pick and can’t stand. It would be one thing if they were a neutral color but no they had to be orange, pink, dark blue and several colors in between.
Now that I feel like I have been nothing but a downer I will get back to moving boxes so I can paint. Have a great weekend.
I got a call from my neurologist’s office yesterday and they said my MRI was good. I am not sure what exactly that means. I will find out for sure on Thursday. Dylan was sent home from camp yesterday with pink eye. I had to take him to the Dr. and get him meds. This is the first time any of us have had pink eye. Apparently pink eye and ear issues are going around. The pharmacists that I LOVE at our HEB said that she had filled nothing but ear and eye drops all day. Thankfully we have met our medication deductable so I did not have to pay the $70 for a very small bottle of drops. I don’t like to talk $ figures on here but it just blows me away at how much $$$$$$$$$ we have had to pay this year so far in medical bills. I did call insurance the other day to see how much more we have to shell out this year. We are close to meeting the out of pocket for the family and it is a LOT of money. OUCH! Not to mention the monthly premiums. Okay enough of me ranting.
I also called car insurance to find out what was going on with that. So since they decided that the other lady’s story did not add up but they felt that they could not say it was her fault it is a wash. It is if I never filed a claim. We both have to pay for our own damages out of our pockets. That is better than the claim being on my policy but not the outcome I had hoped for. So now we have to figure out what it will cost to fix my car and figure out how to pay for it along with the medical bills from Dylan’s surgery, my ER visit and my MRI. UGH!!!!! I really need to find a job.
I am hoping since it is raining and will be tomorrow also that I can get some painting done. I think I am going to start on our study/library. I will be so happy when all the walls are painted. I am so tired of looking at walls that are painted colors I didn’t pick and can’t stand. It would be one thing if they were a neutral color but no they had to be orange, pink, dark blue and several colors in between.
Now that I feel like I have been nothing but a downer I will get back to moving boxes so I can paint. Have a great weekend.
MRI Done
Monday June 28, 2010 - Well my MRI is done. They were actually able to stick me one time with the needle to get the IV line for the contrast. I got in the room and lay down and as soon as the lady pushed me into the machine I panicked. I asked her to get Jerry and I tried to calm myself. I was able to make it through the entire test. It only took 30 minutes. Had it taken any longer I don’t think I would have made it. Next MRI I think I will be asking for sedation. I am just not able to be inside something and pushed down to a table.
Now I just have to wait. I will not find out the results until next Thursday at my appointment.
Now I just have to wait. I will not find out the results until next Thursday at my appointment.
Sunday June 27, 2010 - We are still waiting on insurance to call and let me know their decision again. See if I will be getting my car fixed or not. We have been doing laundry and dishes and trying to get the house picked up this weekend. We did go to our neighbors baseball game yesterday and the kids were so bored. I wanted to watch but they made it almost impossible to watch with them whining and complaining the entire time. We are supposed to go to a Round Rock Express game in a couple of weeks I am hoping that they do better there.
The kids go to camp this week so I am hoping that I can get the house cleaned and I want to start painting another room. We have not really been working on the house much the last several weeks. Jerry and I are so tired and need a break. I think I am ready to get geared up again. I really want to get our library painted and get some book shelves so I can get the last 13 boxes unpacked. Also, once we get the library done we can start working on the kitchen. The kitchen is going to take a LOT of work. We want to replace the appliances, sink, faucet, lights, refinish the cabinets and paint.
Once we get our internet hooked up I will post pictures of what we have done so far in the house. We did not take before pictures because like Jerry says “We don’t want reminders of what it looked like before.” We have had to do a lot of work and still have tons to do inside and out. Once we get it all done I think we will love it.
On days when I hate this house it helps to have neighbors that we like so much that make it all worth it. I really don’t think we could have asked for better neighbors. At our last house we had great neighbors next door but at this house we have great neighbors up and down both sides of the street.
Well, I am off to keep myself busy so I don’t think about tomorrow.
The kids go to camp this week so I am hoping that I can get the house cleaned and I want to start painting another room. We have not really been working on the house much the last several weeks. Jerry and I are so tired and need a break. I think I am ready to get geared up again. I really want to get our library painted and get some book shelves so I can get the last 13 boxes unpacked. Also, once we get the library done we can start working on the kitchen. The kitchen is going to take a LOT of work. We want to replace the appliances, sink, faucet, lights, refinish the cabinets and paint.
Once we get our internet hooked up I will post pictures of what we have done so far in the house. We did not take before pictures because like Jerry says “We don’t want reminders of what it looked like before.” We have had to do a lot of work and still have tons to do inside and out. Once we get it all done I think we will love it.
On days when I hate this house it helps to have neighbors that we like so much that make it all worth it. I really don’t think we could have asked for better neighbors. At our last house we had great neighbors next door but at this house we have great neighbors up and down both sides of the street.
Well, I am off to keep myself busy so I don’t think about tomorrow.
What a Week
Friday June 25, 2010 – It has been one of those weeks. We got back home from San Antonio on Sunday so the kids could go to VBS. This is the third year Emily has tried to go to this VBS. We made it through the first day and that was all. She did not want to go back and I was not going to force her because the last two years we got a call asking us to come get her because she was crying. She told me on Wednesday that she will go next year. We will see.
Sunday evening our dog started vomiting and got very sick. The last time I took him in for vomiting it cost me almost $800. I don’t have $800 to take him in so I nursed him back. He finally started to act like himself yesterday.
On top of that I was in a car accident on Tuesday in the grocery store parking lot. I was parked with my door open and a lady pulled into the spot next to me and hit my door. She immediately apologized and said she didn’t see my door. She did not want to claim it on her insurance because she didn’t want he rates to go up. I ended up asking for her insurance just in case. At the time the damage to my car was very minimal. Later that day I noticed my door not closing properly so I called and made a claim. Well after going back and forth with insurance they called me yesterday to tell me that the accident was my fault. WHAT!? So needless to say we are fighting that. Apparently the lady that hit me changed her story. Even though the damage to my car does not fit her story they sided with her. ARGH!
I am also nervous about Monday’s MRI. I am really hoping that it being an open MRI helps. We shall see.
I hope everyone has had a better week than we have and has a great weekend.
Sunday evening our dog started vomiting and got very sick. The last time I took him in for vomiting it cost me almost $800. I don’t have $800 to take him in so I nursed him back. He finally started to act like himself yesterday.
On top of that I was in a car accident on Tuesday in the grocery store parking lot. I was parked with my door open and a lady pulled into the spot next to me and hit my door. She immediately apologized and said she didn’t see my door. She did not want to claim it on her insurance because she didn’t want he rates to go up. I ended up asking for her insurance just in case. At the time the damage to my car was very minimal. Later that day I noticed my door not closing properly so I called and made a claim. Well after going back and forth with insurance they called me yesterday to tell me that the accident was my fault. WHAT!? So needless to say we are fighting that. Apparently the lady that hit me changed her story. Even though the damage to my car does not fit her story they sided with her. ARGH!
I am also nervous about Monday’s MRI. I am really hoping that it being an open MRI helps. We shall see.
I hope everyone has had a better week than we have and has a great weekend.
Happy Father's Day!
Sunday June 20, 2010 - Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. I hope you have all had a great weekend.
The kids and I have been in San Antonio since Tuesday and I am exhausted. I would say when I get home I will sleep but I know that will not happen. The kids will go to VBS this week and camp the next. It should be a busy couple of weeks.
I realized today that my MRI is a week from Monday. I am little nervous. I am having an open MRI this time so I am hoping it helps. If that does not work I will ask to be knocked out from now on. Luckily this MRI should only take 45 minutes versus the last one that took 2 hours.
Not much else to report, which I guess is a good thing. ;)
The kids and I have been in San Antonio since Tuesday and I am exhausted. I would say when I get home I will sleep but I know that will not happen. The kids will go to VBS this week and camp the next. It should be a busy couple of weeks.
I realized today that my MRI is a week from Monday. I am little nervous. I am having an open MRI this time so I am hoping it helps. If that does not work I will ask to be knocked out from now on. Luckily this MRI should only take 45 minutes versus the last one that took 2 hours.
Not much else to report, which I guess is a good thing. ;)
Wednesday June 16, 2010 - WOW it has been a long time since my last post. We have had a lot going on. In the last two months I have had an ER visit, an appointment with my ophthalmologist, Dylan has had surgery and lots more. I have been feeling pretty good. I have had a few days of numbness in my arms but nothing that lasts more than a day.
I ended up in the ER one evening after picking Jerry up from work. We were headed home and I all of the sudden felt like I was going to pass out. My heart was racing and I could hardly breath. I had to pull over and have Jerry drive. I started to feel a little better until we got closer to home so I had him pull into urgent care and they told Jerry because of the symptoms I was having I need to go to the ER. So we get to the ER and they immediately took me back and started hooking me up to stuff and asking me a million questions. My heart rate was about 120 and I felt like I was going to suffocate. After sticking me 6 times trying to get an IV started they finally stuck a small needle into my hand just to get blood to run tests. They tested me for a blood clot and it came back negative. We never really found anything that would have caused the episode so they sent me home. Later that night I started to feel the same way but it finally passed.
I went in for a follow up field test with my ophthalmologist and he was thrilled. We were not expecting any improvement in my vision, but there has been. I don't really notice but my blind spot is much smaller than it was before and my vision is now 20/25 in my right eye. I will go back to see him in November and he will take the pictures of my optic nerve again.
Dylan had surgery about two weeks ago. He had his tonsils and adenoids removed along with a bone spur cut out of his nose and some other sinus stuff. He is breathing much better now. When we went in for his original ENT visit the Dr. said he has never seen a deviated septum as bad as his in a child that young. There was no way for him to breathe. He is not old enough to have his septum fixed, so we did everything else we could for now. After the surgery the Dr. came out to talk to us and he said Dylan's tonsils were HUGE. I felt so bad for him. He has not been able to breathe well for a very long time. He has been sleeping very quietly and I have not heard him sleep like that since he was a baby. It is a little eerie. I have to make sure he is still breathing. I guess when he turns 16 we will talk about fixing his septum but I have a feeling after all of this he may object.
We are still working on the house and still have a lot to do but are moving much slower now. The kids have been spending a lot of time with the kids on our street. We have all made some great new friends and we love all of our neighbors. I am actually working on putting together a block party and I think everyone is very excited to get everyone together at once.
I will go in for my next MRI on the 28th of this month but will not get my results until my appointment with my neurologist on July 8th. I am crossing my fingers and toes that it all goes well.
We still do not have internet hooked up but I think I will start having Jerry post my blogs more regularly until we get internet at home.
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer.
I ended up in the ER one evening after picking Jerry up from work. We were headed home and I all of the sudden felt like I was going to pass out. My heart was racing and I could hardly breath. I had to pull over and have Jerry drive. I started to feel a little better until we got closer to home so I had him pull into urgent care and they told Jerry because of the symptoms I was having I need to go to the ER. So we get to the ER and they immediately took me back and started hooking me up to stuff and asking me a million questions. My heart rate was about 120 and I felt like I was going to suffocate. After sticking me 6 times trying to get an IV started they finally stuck a small needle into my hand just to get blood to run tests. They tested me for a blood clot and it came back negative. We never really found anything that would have caused the episode so they sent me home. Later that night I started to feel the same way but it finally passed.
I went in for a follow up field test with my ophthalmologist and he was thrilled. We were not expecting any improvement in my vision, but there has been. I don't really notice but my blind spot is much smaller than it was before and my vision is now 20/25 in my right eye. I will go back to see him in November and he will take the pictures of my optic nerve again.
Dylan had surgery about two weeks ago. He had his tonsils and adenoids removed along with a bone spur cut out of his nose and some other sinus stuff. He is breathing much better now. When we went in for his original ENT visit the Dr. said he has never seen a deviated septum as bad as his in a child that young. There was no way for him to breathe. He is not old enough to have his septum fixed, so we did everything else we could for now. After the surgery the Dr. came out to talk to us and he said Dylan's tonsils were HUGE. I felt so bad for him. He has not been able to breathe well for a very long time. He has been sleeping very quietly and I have not heard him sleep like that since he was a baby. It is a little eerie. I have to make sure he is still breathing. I guess when he turns 16 we will talk about fixing his septum but I have a feeling after all of this he may object.
We are still working on the house and still have a lot to do but are moving much slower now. The kids have been spending a lot of time with the kids on our street. We have all made some great new friends and we love all of our neighbors. I am actually working on putting together a block party and I think everyone is very excited to get everyone together at once.
I will go in for my next MRI on the 28th of this month but will not get my results until my appointment with my neurologist on July 8th. I am crossing my fingers and toes that it all goes well.
We still do not have internet hooked up but I think I will start having Jerry post my blogs more regularly until we get internet at home.
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer.
Long Time
Wednesday April 28, 2010 - It has been a very long time since I have been on the computer. We have been in the new house for 5 weeks now and it is going very slow. The house needs lots of work so we are focusing on one room at a time. We have almost finished the kids' rooms and are now working on our room. I am hoping we are finished by Thanksgiving at this point. We still do not have internet hooked up at the house. I guess when we have a place to set the computer up we will take care of that.
I have been very tired the last couple of weeks. I think it is a combination of the moving and warmer weather. Also, every time a front comes through I have leg pain. I will start going back to the doctors soon. I will keep you posted,
Well, I am at the library and Emily is starting to get impatient. I hope everyone is doing well. Hopefully, my next post will be sooner than later. :)
I have been very tired the last couple of weeks. I think it is a combination of the moving and warmer weather. Also, every time a front comes through I have leg pain. I will start going back to the doctors soon. I will keep you posted,
Well, I am at the library and Emily is starting to get impatient. I hope everyone is doing well. Hopefully, my next post will be sooner than later. :)
Lots of Updates
Friday March 5, 2010 - I am still so lost without the internet. Well, we sold our house last Friday and have been staying in an Extended stay hotel. It has been okay. Not too bad. The kids have been sick off and on the last two weeks and I have missed a lot of work. We do have a contract on another house and we are set to close for sure on March 26th if not sooner. We are now hoping for the 19th. We are just waiting on the appraisal to come in. We will be staying in our same neighborhood and Dylan will actually ride the same bus. We will be moving a whole three streets down. BIG move. We will have a lot of work to do to the house. Inside and out needs paint and we want to replace all of the flooring ASAP. I will also need to get a fridge and washer and dryer soon and we want to replace the rest of the appliances as well. We are excited to get settled but it will be a little while before we will get the house where we want it. It should be fun.
The San Antonio MS walk is tomorrow at the AT&T center. You can come in the morning at 8 to register if you have not already. The walk starts at 9:30. There is a 1 mile walk and a 5K run/walk. I hope to see you all there.
I have been felling pretty well most days. I have had a few bad days but nothing earth shattering. I hope you all have a great weekend.
The San Antonio MS walk is tomorrow at the AT&T center. You can come in the morning at 8 to register if you have not already. The walk starts at 9:30. There is a 1 mile walk and a 5K run/walk. I hope to see you all there.
I have been felling pretty well most days. I have had a few bad days but nothing earth shattering. I hope you all have a great weekend.
Monday February 22, 2010 - We finally moved everything out of the house this weekend. The only thing left is what we need for the week. Our closing is at 11 on Friday. We will be moving into the hotel on Thursday. We have made an offer on another house in our neigborhood but we are still negotiating a week later. Hopefully by the end of the day we will have a contract. The house we are hopeing to get is only 3 streets from where we are now. It is closer to the park and pool and Dylan would still ride the same bus.
Dylan spent the end of last week and the weekend sick. He had step and slept a whole lot. I took him to urgent care on Saturday because he broke out in rash all over his body.
Dylan spent the end of last week and the weekend sick. He had step and slept a whole lot. I took him to urgent care on Saturday because he broke out in rash all over his body.
Long Time
Tuesday February 9, 2010 - It has been a very long time since my last post. We have been without internet at home for a couple of weeks and I feel very lost. Well we are still closing on the sell of our home on the 26th. We have moved or sold most of our stuff. We met with a new mortgage guy last week and he seems much more helpful that the last. He is actually looking at all of our options and not just making us feel like we are a pay check to him. Right now he is running numbers on the last house we looked at and we will see if that is even an option right now. If it is not then we will more than likely sit for awhile before we purchase our next home. We don't want to rush into something we don't like and be stuck.
I have been feeling good for the most part. I had another tired day today. I went to sleep around 7:30 last night and did not get out of bed until around 10 this morning. I was exhausted! I am still have random symptoms of pain and numbness but still nothing serious.
I wanted to remind everyone of the MS walk in San Antonio on March 6! It will be here very soon. If you are interested in walking with me please scroll down to the link on a previous post and sign up today. You can join my team or sign up on your own.
I hope you are all staying warm.
I have been feeling good for the most part. I had another tired day today. I went to sleep around 7:30 last night and did not get out of bed until around 10 this morning. I was exhausted! I am still have random symptoms of pain and numbness but still nothing serious.
I wanted to remind everyone of the MS walk in San Antonio on March 6! It will be here very soon. If you are interested in walking with me please scroll down to the link on a previous post and sign up today. You can join my team or sign up on your own.
I hope you are all staying warm.
Need Premeds
Tuesday January 26, 2010 - Well I am supposed to be trying to get of the Tylenol I take before I do my injection. I have been taking Tylenol every other day since June. Well last night I thought lets give it a shot. I woke up at 2 am freezing and shivering. I was shivering so bad that I am very sore today. I had to get up and put on 4 thick layers of clothes just to stop shaking. Needless to say I will be back on the Tylenol tomorrow.
Lost Tooth
Sunday January 24, 2010 - I forgot to tell you that Dylan lost his first tooth on Friday. It has been loose since Christmas. On the way to San Antonio on Friday Dylan made a loud sound and said he pulled his tooth. So I guess he got bored on the drive and decided to mess with his tooth and pulled it right out. :)
Sunday January 24, 2010 - Life has been crazy. First, I would like to ask for prayers for my uncle. He has been in hospice since Friday. He has been a very caring and loving man. I hope that he rests as comfortably as possible.
Yesterday it was official that the sale of our house should go through. We will close on February 26th. Now we are starting to pack up the rest of the house and have some painting and cleaning to get done. We will actually be moving the big stuff and the other storage unit next weekend. We are going to sell most of our furniture so there should not be too much to move.
As far as us buying a new house we have hit many road blocks. Without going into too much detail let's just say we will not start looking at houses again until the end of February. We will not be staying at the extended stay hotel after all. We went to look at it last week and it is NASTY!!!!!!! We have some very sweet friends that we will be moving in with.
I hope you all have a good week.
Yesterday it was official that the sale of our house should go through. We will close on February 26th. Now we are starting to pack up the rest of the house and have some painting and cleaning to get done. We will actually be moving the big stuff and the other storage unit next weekend. We are going to sell most of our furniture so there should not be too much to move.
As far as us buying a new house we have hit many road blocks. Without going into too much detail let's just say we will not start looking at houses again until the end of February. We will not be staying at the extended stay hotel after all. We went to look at it last week and it is NASTY!!!!!!! We have some very sweet friends that we will be moving in with.
I hope you all have a good week.
Tuesday January 19, 2010 - Well today the people that are buying our house had the inspection done. So Emily and I had to get out of the house for three hours. We have not heard how the inspection went yet. We have found out that some of the rules on FHA loans changed as of January 1st so our financing is not working the way it did a couple of months ago. It has been very frustrating trying to figure it all out. But we have decided that we will close on our house and we will stay in an extended stay hotel for a little while and then pay off what we need to pay off from what we make on our house and then start from scratch on the financing. What a mess! But we know it will all work out in the end some how.
Other than that there is not much going on. We will start moving and packing in about a week. I am actually looking forward to staying at an extended stay for a little while. No yard, not as much mess to clean up, no phone call telling me I have to leave my house and maid service once a week. I am sure after a couple of days though we will all be on each other last nerve.
I hope you all have a great week!
Other than that there is not much going on. We will start moving and packing in about a week. I am actually looking forward to staying at an extended stay for a little while. No yard, not as much mess to clean up, no phone call telling me I have to leave my house and maid service once a week. I am sure after a couple of days though we will all be on each other last nerve.
I hope you all have a great week!
Friday January 15, 2010 - Well to all of our surprise that house is not going to happen, at least not now. The taxes in that area are more than twice what ours are. We have decided that we will close on this one and then sit tight and then start from scratch on financing and looking for a house. The foreclosure we have been looking at has ended up having lots of drama attached to it. We found out that it is not foreclosed yet. Our realtor called the owner and he does not want to sell it. He said he would like to rent it out. We are not going to get in the middle of his mess. With our luck we would rent it and then get kicked out because he is not paying the bank. Also, he does not even have a key to the house. We are still hoping that he will decide to short sell it or it will become a true foreclosure. We will see. Whatever is meant to happen will happen. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
House Stuff

Thursday January 14, 2010 - I hope everyone is doing well. We are waiting on getting the final copy of the contract on the sale of our house. We will close on our house at the end of February. We did go an look at 4 houses last night. 3 of them were in a different school district than we are in now and one is in the neighborhood where Dylan is at school right now. It is a house that I have had an eye on for a month or so but we thought it would not be an option. It is a two story which at first was not on option and then we decided that we would look at two stories if the master was down and this one the master is up. But I LOVE the kitchen so we decided to go ahead and look at it. WE LOVE IT!!!!!!!! It is a short sale but is in great shape. Construction was completed in December of 2007. We could just move in an not have anything to do. It has a HUGE backyard, it is in a cul-de sac and has golf course views. We are making an offer today and hope the bank will take it. Cross your fingers that this one does not slip away. I have attached a picture of the kitchen. That is the reason we went to look at the house in the first place. :) I will keep you posted.
We Have An Offer
Monday January 11, 2009 - Well I woke up this morning after only sleeping a few hours feeling very energetic and giddy, like something good was going to happen today. Well we had a couple come through today to look at our house for the third time and they made an offer. We are of course going to counter and see what happens. So now we get to do this negotiation thing all over again just from our end. We are excited that we have an offer but just hoping we can agree on the terms.
We still don't know where we are going to move to. We are still looking but not really wanting to make a move on anything. We are both still waiting on the foreclosure to go on the market. Hopefully we can get a solid contract on ours by the end of the week and be ready for what ever comes on the market.
I will keep you posted. Have a great week!
We still don't know where we are going to move to. We are still looking but not really wanting to make a move on anything. We are both still waiting on the foreclosure to go on the market. Hopefully we can get a solid contract on ours by the end of the week and be ready for what ever comes on the market.
I will keep you posted. Have a great week!
MS Walk San Antonio
Friday January 8, 2010 - Happy Friday to everyone. I wanted to let everyone know that I have put a team together for the San Antonio MS walk on March 6th at the AT&T Center. If you would like to join my team and come out and walk or run you can go to
You can also go to my team page and make a donation as well. If you have any questions about registering please let me know. I would love to have a good turn out and maybe have a team shirt made.
I hope you all have a great weekend. We will be busy with preparing for an open house and birthday party. :)
You can also go to my team page and make a donation as well. If you have any questions about registering please let me know. I would love to have a good turn out and maybe have a team shirt made.
I hope you all have a great weekend. We will be busy with preparing for an open house and birthday party. :)
Thursday January 7, 2010 - Today was my three month follow up with the neurologist. He asked me how I was doing compared to three months ago and he was happy to hear that my energy level and mood have improved. We went over the letter he received from my ophthalmologist back in November. He was not exactly pleased that I have not regained all of my vision but he did say that in a good way it will be a constant reminder that even though I may feel fine I still need to be on medication for MS. I told him about my tingling in my arms and legs and of course he was not surprised. He did ask me if I was having spasms in my legs and I told him yes and mostly in my arms. He was not surprised because my reflexes are so exaggerated.
He sent me for blood work to make sure my liver and blood counts are still good and he did go ahead and order a vitamin D test. We will see how all of that comes back. We talked about my next MRI. I will go in June for my MRI and then have my next appointment with him in July. I did ask if I could have an open MRI and he said that would be fine. Luckily, I will only have an MRI of the brain done this time. We know that I have a lesion in my spine and he said if I had any more activity there we would know because typically a lesion in the spine will be something that I will notice. (Not be able to walk for example) I may have activity in my brain and not notice anything. He did say that this next MRI is very important. Studies have shown that within six months of starting medication if a person has a clear MRI then their prognosis for the future is better than if there is even one lesion. Keep your fingers crossed that in June we will get good news.
I guess that is all I have for now. I hope everyone is staying warm. Our low for this evening is around 15 with a wind chill of 8. It will be a good night to stay inside.
He sent me for blood work to make sure my liver and blood counts are still good and he did go ahead and order a vitamin D test. We will see how all of that comes back. We talked about my next MRI. I will go in June for my MRI and then have my next appointment with him in July. I did ask if I could have an open MRI and he said that would be fine. Luckily, I will only have an MRI of the brain done this time. We know that I have a lesion in my spine and he said if I had any more activity there we would know because typically a lesion in the spine will be something that I will notice. (Not be able to walk for example) I may have activity in my brain and not notice anything. He did say that this next MRI is very important. Studies have shown that within six months of starting medication if a person has a clear MRI then their prognosis for the future is better than if there is even one lesion. Keep your fingers crossed that in June we will get good news.
I guess that is all I have for now. I hope everyone is staying warm. Our low for this evening is around 15 with a wind chill of 8. It will be a good night to stay inside.
Back To The Grind
Tuesday January 5, 2010 - We are back to the normal routine now with school and work. I am so glad the kids are back in school. I love my kids but there has been too much togetherness. It also does not help that every time we get kicked out of the house because of a showing we sit in the car and get on each others nerves. Dylan and I were in the car most of the day yesterday and then picked Emily up from school and then the three of us, the dog and the cat as well were in the car until around 5 when we picked Jerry up. I am soooooooo ready to sell our house.
Happy New Year!
Friday January 1, 2010 - I hope everyone has a great 2010! I am being very optimistic about this coming year. I think we will have a lot of great changes in our lives.
We started off our new year packing up stuff to take to storage. I think we are finished with storage runs until we have a contract on our house. I am hoping with all the major holidays behind us now we will hear something soon. We did have two people come by this week and one came back twice. So we have still had some traffic when I thought we would have none.
Tomorrow is Emily's 4th birthday. :( I can't believe my baby is going to be 4. Kids grow up so fast. Before we know it they will be out of the house. We are going to take Emily to lunch tomorrow and she will have a party next weekend. She is so excited. We are also going to San Antonio to see the Lion King, a Christmas gift from Grandmama and Pa. Dylan, Grandmama and I went to see it for Dylan's 3rd birthday and loved it. I am curious to see what Emily thinks about it.
I just realized a couple of days ago that my 3 month follow up with my neurologist is on Thursday. I think it will be uneventful. I am hoping he does not want to do an MRI yet. For one I am really dreading having it done and also now that it is the new year I don't want to have to pay for it. The last two MRI's I had they billed $11,000! At the same time though I am anxious to have one done so I can see if I have any new lesions. I am really hoping this medication is working well enough to stay on it.
The last several months my mood has been better and I have not been as tired. I still have pain and tingling from time to time in my arms and legs. Most of the time I can ignore it unless I am trying to sleep. My vision has not improved anymore. I just deal with it. It is my constant reminder of this lovely disease along with the injections I have to do every other day. My injections are still going well. I still have skin reactions and some hurt more than others. I don't like doing them but I do it and have not missed one yet. :)
Well I just thought I would give you all an update. I hope you all have a great weekend.
We started off our new year packing up stuff to take to storage. I think we are finished with storage runs until we have a contract on our house. I am hoping with all the major holidays behind us now we will hear something soon. We did have two people come by this week and one came back twice. So we have still had some traffic when I thought we would have none.
Tomorrow is Emily's 4th birthday. :( I can't believe my baby is going to be 4. Kids grow up so fast. Before we know it they will be out of the house. We are going to take Emily to lunch tomorrow and she will have a party next weekend. She is so excited. We are also going to San Antonio to see the Lion King, a Christmas gift from Grandmama and Pa. Dylan, Grandmama and I went to see it for Dylan's 3rd birthday and loved it. I am curious to see what Emily thinks about it.
I just realized a couple of days ago that my 3 month follow up with my neurologist is on Thursday. I think it will be uneventful. I am hoping he does not want to do an MRI yet. For one I am really dreading having it done and also now that it is the new year I don't want to have to pay for it. The last two MRI's I had they billed $11,000! At the same time though I am anxious to have one done so I can see if I have any new lesions. I am really hoping this medication is working well enough to stay on it.
The last several months my mood has been better and I have not been as tired. I still have pain and tingling from time to time in my arms and legs. Most of the time I can ignore it unless I am trying to sleep. My vision has not improved anymore. I just deal with it. It is my constant reminder of this lovely disease along with the injections I have to do every other day. My injections are still going well. I still have skin reactions and some hurt more than others. I don't like doing them but I do it and have not missed one yet. :)
Well I just thought I would give you all an update. I hope you all have a great weekend.
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