Where to Begin

Thursday September 9, 2010 - It has been a crazy few weeks! First, is a picture of Dylan on the first day of school at our brand new school. We don't have to drive over the highway or through three neighborhoods to get to school anymore!!!!!!!

Dylan likes his school but has been having a very hard time adjusting to his fourth school in four years. I think the fact that it is a brand new school and everyone is trying to figure out the routine and rules is very frustrating for him. Thankfully, he will be at this school for four years. I think it will get much easier for everyone as time goes on.

I have had good days and bad days as far as my fatigue goes. I may spend a day or two in bed and then have a few good days and then be in bed again. I am having a lot of spasms. I have always had spasms, but they are much more frequent now. I actually had one in my leg the other night and I could not straighten my leg for several minutes. I am hoping cooler weather will be here soon.

Our dog was in the pet hospital for a few days last weekend and nearly died. Thankfully, he is back to his normal self. He needs to learn not to eat everything in sight.

Emily has started school and likes it but then changes her mind everyday about going. She would just rather stay at home with me. I am not sure why. I think she has a lot more fun at school than with me.

Jerry is still working two jobs, so we don't have a lot of family time or time for anything else. We are hoping that will change sooner than later.

I am just waiting for life to slow down but I guess it never really does. I hope everyone is doing well.


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