Full Dose, Finally

Thursday August 13, 2009 - I am finally on the full dose of my medication. I am still not having any side effects other than the skin reactions. The skin reactions just look like big red bruises that take forever to fade away, 6 - 8 weeks to be exact. I am just glad they don't hurt.

I have started to have a little bit of tingling in my right leg and foot. It is very slight and does not really bother me until I am trying to go to sleep. It feels almost like my leg is asleep but very faint. I am just crossing my fingers that it does not get worse.

Yesterday was a very busy day. I had to take Jerry to work, Dylan to camp and the eye doctor, our cat to the doctor and Emily to the doctor. Dylan still does not need glasses but does have an astigmatism. So we will wait until next year and check again. I took Emily to the doctor to have her eyes checked as well. She has been turning her head to watch TV and squinting. So the nurse that checked her said her vision is 20/40 but that I should not worry about it since she is only 3. So I brought up the turning the head and she said I don't know about that. So I talked to the doctor and as soon as I mentioned her turning her head he said "I don't like that". So he has referred us to a pediatric ophthalmologist in the same office as my doctor. I have called the doctor but she is booked through December. We are trying to get her to squeeze us in ASAP. One, I want to get in and find out what is going on with her vision but I also want to get her in before our insurance changes.

Well I guess that is all around here for now. I hope everyone has a great weekend.


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