
Friday January 15, 2010 - Well to all of our surprise that house is not going to happen, at least not now. The taxes in that area are more than twice what ours are. We have decided that we will close on this one and then sit tight and then start from scratch on financing and looking for a house. The foreclosure we have been looking at has ended up having lots of drama attached to it. We found out that it is not foreclosed yet. Our realtor called the owner and he does not want to sell it. He said he would like to rent it out. We are not going to get in the middle of his mess. With our luck we would rent it and then get kicked out because he is not paying the bank. Also, he does not even have a key to the house. We are still hoping that he will decide to short sell it or it will become a true foreclosure. We will see. Whatever is meant to happen will happen. I hope everyone has a great weekend.



  1. Well, poo. Sorry to hear that. Guess that just means something better is around the corner.

  2. That bites. I really hate houses with the master upstairs though. Imagine how sick of those stairs you'd get.


  3. I know. I figure it is for the better that one did not work out. With my luck we would move in and then I would be unable to go up the stairs.
