Very Good

Thursday July 8, 2010 - That is what my neurologist said today. He was very happy with my MRI. I have no new lesions, no black holes and my existing lesions have not grown. This means that my MS is stable. I will continue on my medication and hope that it will be a very long time before another exacerbation.

The first oral medication will be out in September for disease modification, but I will not be one of the patients that take the oral. For one, my medication is working, so we will not change and also the new drugs have a very long list of side effects.

My Dr. also asked me how the open MRI went and I told him that I was still Closter phobic and if the test had been any longer I would have lost it. He did mention that I can start taking something before my MRI’s to relax.

I did have to get blood work done today. There is one lady there that I have had before that is able to get a needle in my vein on the first try. I was really hoping I would get her and I did. So I only got stuck once with a small needle today. Yeah!!!!!

Well I hope everyone is doing well. Enjoy your weekend.


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